Major actors or roles that will be involved in the journey Starting with the end goal(s), start identifying: Who needs to buy into/support this effort? How do their interests impact the blueprint? Is there an interim that needs to happen first (due to feasibility/current limitations) and may factor into the initial blueprint? What is the ultimate in desired activities and outcomes for patients? Caregivers? Care teams? Other roles? Things to think about when customizing the agnostic version or creating your own:
It can also simply provide a jumping off point to visualizing your own journey/blueprint. In the agnostic patient journey/blueprint example, we’ve provided a base that can be readily customized for specific types of healthcare needs and goals. Steps to Create Your Own Patient Journey/Blueprint Your organization can use the following instructions and these templates for your quality improvement efforts.
You can zoom in and out on the areas of interest). (when MURAL loads, you are prompted to log in click Enter as a Visitor.
For each encounter, and for the stages of the encounter – Health and Healthcare, Quality Improvement, Knowledge Ecosystem, the goal process is described in detail.